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DELWP (2015) DELWP Output delivery standards, for the delivery of environmental activities. The Department of Land, Water and Planning. East Melbourne, Victoria.

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GMA (2023) Game Management Authority online information available at: Hunting – Game Management Authority (

FS (2023) FeralScan online information on deer on the DeerScan page and a deer identification brochure. Available at:

HWS (2023) Healthy Waterways Strategy 2018-2028 Port Phillip and Westernport Victoria, track actions, Case Studies, 2021 Deer oh dear! available online at:

ISC (2023) Invasive Species Council online information available at:

Mitta Valley Landcare Group Website (2023) available at:

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NFDAP (2023) National Feral Deer Action Plan available at:

NSC (2023) Nillumbik Shire Council information sheets deer control available at:

PD (2023) Pest Detective online information from New Zealand on Red Deer Cervus elaphus available at:

Tuckwell C. (2003) The Deer Farming Handbook available at:

VGG (2022) Victorian Government Gazette No. S568, Wednesday 19 October 2022, Wildlife Act 1975, Wildlife (Control of Deer on Public Land) Order No. 1/2022, Order in Council available at:

VicGov (2023) Wildlife Management and Control Authorisations, The Victorian Government Website. Available at: Wildlife management and control authorisations | Victorian Government (