Our Landcare Group has a permanent home for its trailer, equipment and supplies thanks to Bendigo Bank, The Victorian Government, The Bright United Men’s Shed (BUMS), and the hard work of our members.
In late 2021, the Committee recognised the need for a permanent location and storage facility for the trailer, equipment, and planting supplies. Prior to this, our kit was spread across several members’ properties in and around Bright.
The Men’s Shed was approached to see if they had room for a storage container on their site at 14 Churchill Avenue. BUMS kindly allows a 20-foot container to be in their yard and we were on the way to fixing our storage problems. The container was purchased with financial assistance from Bendigo Bank.
We then started stuffing our gear into the container and soon realised we needed shelving and a bench. The Victorian Government came to our assistance and the Upper Ovens Valley Landcare Group Container Fit-out was supported by the Victorian Government’s Volunteer Growth Fund. This grant allowed us to purchase shelving, a bench, personal protective equipment, and additional planting equipment.
Thanks to all who helped get this facility up and running.
Also, a reminder to all members visiting the container. We are guests of BUMS and the Alpine Shire Council. Please help by keeping the site neat and tidy.