
We acknowledge the Traditional Owners and First Nations of the land and waters where we meet and work, and pay our respects to their elders past, present and emerging.

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UOVLG members, Ovens River above Bright

The Upper Ovens Valley Landcare Group (UOVLG) began in 1997 with approximately 20 members, rising to over 180 members in 2012. In 2024/25, there are around 90 members.

The Group works with the whole community, including landowners, to
protect, sustain and enhance our healthy environment in the Upper Ovens Valley, North East Victoria.

The UOVLG aims to care for the land by:

  1. enhancing understanding of the local environment;
  2. supporting practices that restore, conserve and enhance biodiversity;
    and ecosystem services; and
  3. encouraging landowners to improve prospects for sustainable agriculture.


Members have an opportunity to improve the health of our local vegetation communties; protecting water quality for native fish and animals, including Platypus and Rakali (water-rat); and enable access and freedom of movement for wildlife along river corridors and across valleys.

Regular Landcare activities include seed collection, tree planting and maintenance days, community forums and seminars, Waterwatch activities, and junior Landcare.


Feral deer are emerging as a major issue for landowners and for the natural environment around the Upper Ovens Valley. We aim to help people understand the problem and to offer helpful solutions.

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A twofold community project: to raise community awareness of the impact of fire on local threatened species; and to propagate and plant the rare Omeo Gum burnt during the 2020 fires in the Upper Buckland Valley.

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The Landcare Group has carried out extensive woody weed control on both sides of the river, in partnership with NECMA and DELWP. This has been followed up with the planting of over 6000 plants over the last 3-4 years.

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Thanks to a grant from Bendigo Bank we will be restoring an area of public land where One Mile Creek meets the Ovens River.

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During Winter-Spring 2022, supported by a Murray–Darling Healthy Rivers Program grant, weed control and revegetation was undertaken at various locations along the Ovens River, between German Creek and the Bright township.

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Waterwatch Victoria is a successful community engagement program connecting local communities with river health and sustainable water issues and management since 1993. UOVLG has been and an active participant in NECMA’s Waterwatch program for several years. 

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