Last Sunday, the Upper Ovens Valley Landcare Group spent a productive morning on the banks of the Ovens River at Porepunkah, releasing hundreds of young trees and shrubs from their guards.
In 2017, the Landcare Group carried out extensive woody weed control on both sides of the Ovens River, near the Buckland River, in partnership with the North East Catchment Management Authority (NECMA) and the then Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP). This has been followed up with the planting of more than 6000 trees and shrubs over the last 5 years.
Our thanks go to the 15 or so members who helped replace tree stakes and collect, pack and transport the guards. Also, thanks to Gini and Co. for organising the equipment/barbecue trailer, sourcing supplies for the day, and cooking the barbecue.
For more information regarding this project, go to the project page at this link. Our next working bee, at German Creek-Ovens River revegetation site, is scheduled for Saturday 29 July. It will be advertised via email, on the Group’s website and our FaceBook page.