Upper Ovens Valley Landcare Events

Latest Past Events

UOVLG Committee Meeting

VICSES Bright Meeting Room 16 Churchill Avenue, Bright

Members are welcome to attend the UOVLG Committee Meeting held on the second Thursday of the month. Contact email: info@upperovenslandcare.org.au.


Mount Buffalo National Park Entrance Mount Buffalo Road, Eurobin

Come and join us in celebrating our precious mountains! Meet at Mt Buffalo Entrance at 11.00 am to car pool.Where:  We plan to walk to Mt Dunn, starting and finishing at start of Long Plain Track, Lake Catani. Depending upon how people feel we may do a loop or return the same way.What:  Mt Dunn is a […]

Albury Waste Management Centre Tour

Albury Waste Management Centre 565 Mudge Street, Albury

If you are curious to find out what happens to our waste, join us on a tour of the Albury Waste Management Centre. We will carpool from Bright leaving from the Bright Senior Citizens car park at 9 am. The tour bus has a maximum 22 seats and Myrtleford Landcare will join us, so we […]